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Writer's pictureChelsea


Why Bali?

So, I went to Bali once, fell head over heals for the place, and now am planning to move there. It's easy for me to imagine and understand the perspective of someone reading this thinking that this is a naieve, impulsive idealistic decision.

You can't just up and move to some tropical paradise becuase you liked your vacation there...

Why not Bali though?

It is literal paradise filled with the most kind, genuine, and happy people I've ever come across. Not to mention, if you're coming from a western homebase, as I'm coming from Canada, Bali is an extremely affordable place to live.

Bali is also an excellent "homebase" for someone who'd like to bum around SE Asia for a while. A huge attraction for me is also that during my last trip I developed relationships that allow me to already have a small support system, even before landing.

How. How do I do it.

Well, I'm still fine tuning the logistics still but heres what I've got so far:

  • Take a deep breathe

  • Save up for your flight

  • Get rid of your things at home- consign, storage, sell

  • Set yourself up for financial stability for the extent of time that you'd like to live in Bali or

  • Find a way you can make money "remotely"- heard of digital nomads? This could be you!

  • Book your ticket, take your flight, and try not to plan too far in advance. Don't bother searching for places to live while you're still at home, this is much better done in person. What I will likely do is get my bearings in a hostel before locking down a rental. Also a great way to meet people!

Visa Stuff

Make sure you've got your Visa sorted out. Because I only went for one month on my initial trip, I didn't have to worry about sorting out a visa extension, as indonesia gives you a free 30 day visa on arrival. From what I've heard, the easiest way to extend your visa is through a visa agent locally in Bali, who will help you entext your visa to 60 days.

After the 60 days, you must leave the country, but you can fly back in the same day- it is simply a formality. I know that this sounds like a bit of a bummer, however- hear me out. If you're dropping your life and moving to Bali in the first place, chances are you're game for an adventure and are wanting to do some exploration. What a great opportunity for mini SE Asia getaways paired with your Visa runs!

Last of all, set your intentions

Why do I want to do this?

What attitude will I bring to this adventure?

What do I want to accomplish/ learn?

What is the value in this experience?

How will I grow as a person doing this?

For myself, one of the main reasons I'm going on this adventure is because I want to take a risk while I'm young and have no attachments or career. That isn't to say that this is an impossible feat if you are older or are higher up in your career ranking. In my opinion, the risk in travel will always outweigh any losses, especially financially. Money comes and goes, but these lessons and experiences that you could gain through this are limitless and priceless.

Create your reality by choosing your mindset.

If you belive you can do it, you will


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