The hardest part, in my humble opinion, is making the decision to get up and do it. De-rooting your life and moving across the world is...
The hardest part, in my humble opinion, is making the decision to get up and do it. De-rooting your life and moving across the world is...
Hold on for a sec here gals, cause chelseainbali.com is about to get real hippocritical real quick. My last post was all about how I'm...
As most of my readers will know by now, in January following my solo trip to Bali, I made the decision to sell everything and move across...
If you've been following my blog from the beginning, (or if you scroll up in my posts) it is really easy to tell that when I first...
There's a certain life trajectory that I've been socialized into, over the course of my life until 24, believing is right. You graduate...
I, like most of you reading this, am a product of a globalized society that puts a high value on money and possesions. I will not blame...
Travel undoubtedly changes it's passengers. There's no question. Ironically, I personally find travel far more grounding than spending...
Hey! Congrats on your decsion! If you've decided to or are considering moving abroad at some point in the near future, you've come to the...
The idea of leaving Canada is something I’ve been grappling with for quite a while. Don’t get me wrong, I truly believe I live in one of...
I have had the absolute pleasure and honor to work with Viola from The Blessing Bucket over the past couple of weeks. I look up to her...
There is nothing worse than the hard-hitting sadness of reality after returning from a life changing experience away. The weirdest part...
January has been a really eventful month for me. I decided to create my blog, which you have obviously stumbled upon if you're reading...
Ah yes, getting a tattoo in Southeast Asia, the parent of every backpackers' worst nightmare. Fret not, permanent souvenir seeker and...
Does travelling and the desire to see the world hinder todays young people from cultivating meaningful relationships? Might it even delay...
When I boarded my first flight to Bali, from Vancouver to Taipeii, I sat in my seat with my empty notebook. My mind was racing around...
Hey y'all. I ain't rich. I've got a lot on my 'to do' list including quitting my day job to live in Bali and to see the rest of the...
As a diehard sephora fan and makeup youtube video fanatic, of course I packed what I thought to be a very modest amount of makeup for my...
Canggu is the ulimate destination in Bali, if you ask me. It's a small and trendy surfer town on the southwest coast of the island. It's...
Of course age is simply a number. However, as the number grows, as a general rule, more things become attached to the number. As we age,...
Most recent university graduates in my position are doing one of two things: Applying for a million jobs and trying to kickstart their...
Welcome to chelseainbali.com, a Bali focused beauty, travel, and lifestyle blog. Check out my travel guides for everything Bali, on a budget! Join me to talk beauty, digital nomadism, and how to solo travel like a boss lady.