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Writer's pictureChelsea


The hardest part, in my humble opinion, is making the decision to get up and do it. De-rooting your life and moving across the world is difficult, I don't care what age or situation you're living. It's hard. Don't be surprised when digging up your roots includes discovering the rot and mold in your life, leaving you with nasty dirt under your nails. Take everything you know, love, and feel comfortable with, and throw it in the corner. Sell it. Burn it. Sleep in the bath tub one night. Sound absolutely crazy?! That's what transitioning to nomadism feels like. Trust me. I'd know.

Still interested? These are the steps you must follow.

My best advice to preface this? Start now. Like today. You're in for a long and uncomfortable ride. Get the ball rolling.

1. Make the choice.

DECIDE YOU'RE GOING TO DO IT- like fo' real. Tell everyone. Or someone. Tell your grandma. Make yourself accountable for your decision. If you don't tell people your plans, the less accountable you are to actually play them out IRL.

2. Create a timeline.

Set a date. Warn your job that you're OUT. Create your budget- how long do you need to work, bootstrapping at home to feel comfortable for a few months on the road? A year? How much do you need to invest in yourself to make yourself employable in the remote sphere? There are loads of blogs, ressources and videos that will map out the cost of living an travelling in various places around the world. There are also loads of online ressources and job boards that will help you A. find remote work or B. build an appropriate resume or portfolio to secure some type of remote work.

3. Make concrete moves.

BOOK YOUR PLANE TICKET. This is a surefire way to kick your butt into gear- once this is purchased there's no backing out. You've just got to make it work up until the date. For myself personally, upon returning from Bali in December I gave myself until May (4 months) to get my plan in place to change and transition my life into something condusive to travel and remote work. I wasn't exactly sure what it would look like, or how I would do it, but I wanted it bad enough I promised myself I would make it work. To be honest, I'm still not entirely sure what my life will look like in the next six months, but I'm working hard to ensure that I'm taking steps towards the lifestyle I desire. Buy your suitcase. Take an online course. Start a blog. Start packing your packing cubes. Need a new laptop? Camera? Get. It. Going.

4. Start HUSTLIN'.

Location indie jobs are HELLA sought after i.e. competitive. Everyone wants this lifestyle (who wouldn't) so you need to start:

1. Learning what skills you already have and how you can develop them

2. Learning how to SELL yourself

Something huge for this, especially if you'd like to promote your skills and services in the freelance realm, is personal branding. What sets you apart? Why are you the best? Choose your niche/ market, and know them inside out. Be relatable! Have great content to display and sell the heck out of it. Pitch to businesses. Why do they need you? How can you improve what they're currently doing? Get on remote job boards. Get on upwork or Fiverr. Build your portfolio. Virtually stalk those who are living the life you want, and how they got there. If all of this sounds a bit to far ahead for your current journey towards remote work, I'd reccomend checking out Digital Nomad Girl on Youtube. She talks all about how she took the leap and moved to Chiang Mai with only a couple thousand dollars, began her remote journey, and hasn't looked back since.

5. Get in to the community.

A community. Any community. OK- not ANY, but find out where likeminded people are hanging out and GO there, even virtually, like through Facebook groups or subreddits. There is tons of advice and knowledge in this universe that experts living the exact life you want to live are willing to share with you, you just need to figure out where to find it. The match that set the first spark to my dream about a year ago was the podcast Travel Like a Boss. If you're looking for inspiration to get the ball rolling, I'd highly reccomend checking out that podcast particularly.

6. Get rid of your crap.

Not just your crap though, get rid of it all. This is honestly one of the most uncomfortable things in the world that results in the most peaceful and euphoric feeling- it's difficult to describe. For inspiration and knowledge on adopting a more minimalist lifestyle, I highly reccomend Amanda Round the Globe, a young remote minimalist who works and travels out of only a backpack, and happily shares her tips and knowledge on her Youtube channel.

Dream so big it's ridiculous. If others laugh, laugh with them. You're probably crazy, so let them call you crazy for doing this. Crazy is good. Crazy is fun. Crazy takes chances that pay off way more than being safe or boring. You'll have even more of a laugh once you suceed in this crazy pursuit- because it IS possible.


Love as always,


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