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Writer's pictureChelsea

9 Reasons to Move Abroad While You're Young

The idea of leaving Canada is something I’ve been grappling with for quite a while. Don’t get me wrong, I truly believe I live in one of the most beautiful, fair, and accepting countries in the world- but something inside of me needs to experience life outside of it. I have always assumed that everyone in my life shared the burning desire that I have to see the world and experience different cultures- until fairly recently, that is. I’ve realized that a lot of my friends are quite happy where they are; as they should be- life is great here! I do believe that for many people, traveling, and beyond that- living in other countries and cultures can have a huge impact on their life and the course that it takes.

1. To gain perspective.

There's nothing more perspective shaping than realizing how small your life is in comparaison to the rest of the world. There's so much out there to see, and in our daily lives we see such a small portion of the world!

2. To learn about yourself.

It is much easier to see yourself and where you fit in the world when you are taken out of familiar surroundings completely.

3. To know more.

There is only so much you can know if you never leave the parameters of your hometown- no matter how many books your local library has on the shelves.

4. To make mistakes.

Some of my best knowledge and growth in my life has come out of mistakes or negative experiences. Had I never made the mistake, I never would have gained the invaluable lesson.

5. To get out of your comfort zone.

If you stay in a comfortable bubble your whole life, you will find it increasingly difficult to take risks or have new experiences as you age.

6. The connections.

The people you meet while travelling will become your best friends. There is nothing quite like discovering a new place alongside new friends. You are all in the same boat, and you will be so much more open to genuine connection due to the vulnerability that travel, particularly solo travel creates.

7. The memories.

Your time abroad encapsulates the stories you will be reciting for years to come, to your kids and eventually grandchildren.

8. Because you don’t have much to loose.

Most of us young folk don’t have much money, mortgages, or heck, even cars! With so little on our plates already, this is the easiest time of our lives to make a major life change.

9. Figure out the stuff of life.

You know, like, what you want. The stuff like what you want to “be” when you grow up and what you really value in life.

As one of my favourite authors and speakers puts it,

Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.

- Brene Brown

All of these factors contribute to and engourage my decision to move. My plan (so far) is to spend two months back in Bali (the maximum visa one can attain easily) and then to Australia to work, make some money, and fund further exploration. I hope you follow me on this life changing journey so you can see for yourself the entire expereince of moving abroad!

Moving alone to a foreign country is one of the best, most vulnerable things you can do. Take yourself out of your element, and amazing things will happen- you'll see!

Love as always


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