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Writer's pictureChelsea


Updated: Feb 25, 2018

Hey y'all. I ain't rich. I've got a lot on my 'to do' list including quitting my day job to live in Bali and to see the rest of the world. The hard thing about being a human on earth, is that in order to do most things money is a REQUIREMENT. And I know- travel isn't cheap. The mentality that I, and I think many North Americans grow up with is that travel is a luxury that is to be had when one is financially comfortable A.K.A. has excess income.

I disagree. I think that travel is important ahead of excess wealth. I believe travel, particularly travel on a budget, is an important experience for everyone to have.

The "secret room" at The Farm Hostel in Canggu ($15 a night holaa!)

Now. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not telling you to buy a plane ticket to Bangkok using the money you get back from your damage deposit on your apartment next month with barely enough money in your account for some Subway in the airport terminal foodcourt- Nah! I guess what I'm saying is be responsible; have savings and a backup plan, but don't be so responsible that you talk yourself out of leaving.

So how do I save up enough money to go travel in ______ (2018, 2019) for ______ (2 months, indefinitely...) You ask?

1.Pinch your pennies.

Ok, don't be a cheap ass, cause that's just annoying and no one likes the cheap friend. HOWEVER. Think about how much money you are spending on your every day life in North America that is a luxury. How often do you by yourself coffee? Fast food? Dinners out? The cost of these things might not seem like much next to your income, but they do in fact add up over time and could be used during travel, when you no longer have that income. Not to mention, depending on where you're planning on going, your dollars that you save can go much farther in other countries. Think of it like this- that $5 you've been spending on coffee every day could be going towards a huge dinner out or two cocktails at happy hour in Bali (Old Man's Canggu happy hour is top notch).

2. Physically start putting a portion of your money away.

If you can afford it, try putting a set amount every week or month into a travel fund (just set up a separate savings account with your bank). Imagine how quickly you could build a nest egg if you put away $200 every week! Also, this tactic could also act as a mechanism to force you to be more thirsty in your everyday life, as you would literally lose access to a portion of your income. I've also heard of starting a jar in your home, and putting every 5 dollar bill you have into it. If you get change in a store, just throw the $5 bill in there. After a while it will just seem like change, and you'll never really miss $5 on it's own. This could also work for $1 and $2 coins, or loonies and toonies as we call them in Canada.

3. Stop spending your money on stupid stuff.

I know this is easy to say and difficult to put into action. What it took for me was actually going to Asia for a period of time and immersing myself in a minimalist lifestyle. Happiness comes from connection and sunlight, not from buying things! Sidenote: STOP SPENDING MONEY ON ALCOHOL! Drinking is an absolute money drainer and can really inhibit your travel goals. Of course, enjoy a bottle of wine with some friends at home, but saying goodbye to your weekend cocktail sprees will benefit both your wallet and your liver!

4. If you want to be away for a long time, or indefinitely, start thinking about what work you can do remotely.

This is something I have been learning about a LOT. There is a ginormous market for remote workers; anything from graphic or web design, to writing, to teaching, to virtual assisting and customer support. Are you really talented at something? Writing, design, marketing... Whatever it is, it might be a good idea to build a portfolio or take a course to increase your employability before you leave. There are also a ton of people who run successful online businesses remotely. If you are interested in the digital nomad/ remote working world, I highly reccomend you check out the Travel Like a Boss Podcast on iTunes I have and am still learning SO much from the host, Johnny FD.

5. If you plan on moving or being gone a while, start downsizing your possessions.

You can't take much with you, and if you ask me spending money on storage is a waste- and your friends and family only have limited space to house your prized possessions. Save your friendships and clear your mind by letting go- of clothes, appliances, trinkets... Everything! Side note: This is also a great opportunity to bank some travel cash. I don't know about you, but I've got a wii, an old iPhone, a juicer, a printer, and a TV that I don't even use while I'm here that need to be sold. That's got to be like half-a-plane-tickets-worth right there, no?!

Good luck guys!

We can all do this. Let's focus on making changes over making excuses this week!

See you in Baaaalllliiii



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