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Writer's pictureChelsea

How to Use the Law of Attraction to Travel

If you've been following my blog from the beginning, (or if you scroll up in my posts) it is really easy to tell that when I first returned from Bali I wanted nothing more than to go back. I still feel the same way, and the pull is stronger than ever to be back. The difference between then and now is that now, only 2 months later, I've got a plane ticket, given my notice to my landlord and employer, and I've put up all of my belongings for sale.

I've recently been reading up on the law of attraction, and I'm still learning. What I can tell you though, is that if you want somehting bad enough (as long as it's reasonably tangible) you can make it happen. Manifestation and universe chat aside, if you are constantly thinking about something enough you will subconsiously (or consiously) work and take actions towards that step.

It has taken many years for me to actually grasp the fact that I create my life- myself alone, no one else. I used to be very comfortable veiwing myself as the victim of my life and my variable stressors, particularly pertaining to my schooling and relationships. University stress is heavy for everyone, and I was no exception to that rule- I was miserable. I was not, however, using positive thoughts and manifestation to change my attitude and situation. These are my tips that I've been using the past few months to effectively manifest the life I desire.

My tips on manifesting travel...

1. Positive mantras

I'm highly guilty of telling myself self-depricating stories. You are what you believe you are. If you believe you are capable of doing something, you will take the steps to do it, and probably end up actually doing it! Believing in yourself, despite being a Disney-level cliche statement, is huge piece of the "achieving your dreams" puzzle. Think of it like this: if you are constantly telling yourself that you can't do something, or you're not good or smart enough for something, you likely won't even try to do it in the first place.

On I will be posting a new weekly mantra on the home page. The goal is to help you gals become inspired and to create your own mantras. A mantra is something I repeat in my head to myself whenever I'm going through a difficult moment. I know it sounds kind of odd, but it is surprising how well it works!

2. Intention setting

What's helped me a ton with my own self-doubt is learning to re-inforce positivity in my life. I love coming up with positive mantras and mapping out my intentions when it comes to anything really, whether it's a huge project, trip, or just another week in my life. I have already made a post on how to set intentions, which you should definitely check out if you're planning on travelling in the next little while. The intentions that I set helped me have an amazing solo trip in Bali despite the difficulties that I ran into (*cough* hospitalized for four days *cough*).

3. Focus and commitment

You'd be surprised how easily this comes when you fully commit to something. Passion goes a long way. I've realized recently that if you want something bad enough, you'll make ithappen. Of course there are factors that will contribute to how long it'll take to get where you want, but if you want it bad enough you will find enough. And if you're driven and passionate enough about whatever it is, it really won't even feel like work getting there, because you'll know how amazing it'll feel to eventually get there.

Do your research. Make lists. Budget. Be realistic. Work hard and cut out the bad habits that are preventing you from getting there. I've become so much smarter with my money these past few months, as I've become obsessed with getting back to Bali and exploring the world further. Steps like this have come easy to me as they are fueled by passion and excitement for what's to come.

4. Making the first move

Many people talk a lot of talk, especially when it comes to travel or drastic life changes. Ask yourself this: how many times have you taken a risk, and had it go terribly, irreversably wrong? Think: booking a plane ticket, applying for a school, moving to a new city, or ending a relationship that no longer serves you. The thing about risk is that it's very rare that we can't make it work out. We are taking a risk for a reason- because usually it's something we have passion for. In turn, passion related risks can be the scariest, because failure in our minds seems much graver when it's related to what we truly care about.

My biggest piece of advice is to force your own hand by taking the first step towards your dreams. This could be big or small; anywhere from quitting your job to deciding on a date a year from now and booking your plane ticket. Once you take the first step, everything else will seem easier.

Don't procrastinate gals, because I swear before we know it we'll be old and grey and wishing we had blindly followed our dreams. (Insert cheesy 'if you never try, you'll never know!' saying here.)

What's your mantra this week? I'd love to get some inspiration from you guys!


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