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Writer's pictureChelsea


I know this may be an unpopular opinion, but I love red- eye flights! Night time is for sleepin' and I'd rather catch my Zzz's in the air rather than at my desination. Given, I'm a super heavy sleeper and I'm pretty sure I can fall asleep in any given location. These are some tips for those of you who are not gifted with such sleep tendencies as mine, and who are unsure about the overnight flight dealio.

First of all, these are all the things you MUST pack in your carry on to nail your redeye.

1. Earphones

Sounds basic but the amount of times I've forgotten these or packed them away in an unacessable part of my bag... Sometimes the airlines will provide these but they usually aren't the best and sometimes you need to pay for them!

My ears get sore when I have earbuds in for a long time, so these wireless headphones are an awesome alternative.

2. Face wipes

Nothing feels nastier than a face that hasn't been washed for 24 hours. Just me? Maybe- but your skin will thank me. The last thing you want is a bad breakout on your trip!

3. Moisturizer

Plane air will suck the moisture right out of your skin, so be sure to have something on hand to relieve the dryness.

4. Hand sanitizer

There are so many germs on planes, and loads of people in a confined space. The last thing you want is to get sick before your big trip!

5. A playlist that you make specifically for the trip

I like to do this with a selection of both my newer and older music. It helps me get excited for the trip, and is great for travel and for listening while at the destination. It is also something that will always remind me of that specific trip.

6. Audiobooks, podcasts, or a kindle

I don't know if it's just me, but I get super restless and bored listening to music for an extended period of time. I know that a lot of planes provide free movies and entertainment, but I love getting into a good book on a long flight because it is more time consuming and engaging than a two hour movie. I also love being read to, so audiobooks are right up my alley.

I LOVED reading Amy Schumer's The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo on my last trip.

7. Snacks

Sometimes plane food doesn't come out at an ideal time- or worse yet, you sleep through it! Always be prepared for when the hunger hits, and be sure to include your favourite "junkfood" snacks, because let's be honest flying isn't the most fun activity so you may as well treat yo' self.

My snacks to take are protien bars, dried seaweed, and trailmix.

6. A water bottle

Bring one from home to fill once you're through customs! Or buy one once you're through. This one is key, because sure, the airline provides refreshments, but don't be that person constantly pressing the service button because you're thirsty. Hydration is also so important on planes because the air is so dry!

These huge Swell bottles are perfect and last FOREVER. Also they fit an entire bottle of wine which could certainly come in handy at your destination ;)

8. A neck pillow

I love my blow up neck pillow because it takes up no space in my luggage once I've reached my desination. They may seem silly, but it is the best investment you can make for an overnight flight; your sleep will be improved ten fold.

9. Eye sleep covers

This one is helpful if you're super light sensitive to help you get a more restful sleep.

This is an affordable option that comes in the most adorable pink colour...

10. Melatonin

Saving grace to make you sleepy when you're not. It will make adjusting to local time in your desination a breeze!

This Melatonin is great as it is "time release" making sure you have a sound sleep for at least a few hours.

11. A huge scarf

Even if you're heading to a hot desination, a large and light scarf makes for a great layer and makeshift blanket for napping on the plane. Planes tend to be on the cold side so having a layer like this is a really good idea to up your coziness factor for sleeping.

Red eye hacks

  • Strategically pack your carry on bag(s) so everything that you know you'll want on the flight is easily accessible, preferably right under the seat in front of you.

  • Arrive to the airport slightly earlier than normal and ask at check in if you can sit in the exit row. These sweet seats are usually reserved for adult single travellers who would be willing to help the crew in the case of an emergency. The perk? LOADS more legroom, no seats immediately in front of you, and close proximity to the washrooms!

I hope this helps you survive your next red eye, or even grow to like them as much as I do!



*This post contains affiliate links by which I make a small comission if you choose to purchase. All products are personal recommendations that I love!*

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